Leave a Comment / By usamasaeed219 / September 7, 2023

Dr Albert LaVerne is a psychiatrist who is known for curing many people from drug or alcohol addiction to mental retardation. His methods were so effective that even State Supreme Court Judge Vito Titone of Staten Island to urge New York City to adopt carbon dioxide therapy as an alternative to methadone for the treatment of drug addiction. Hans Selye served on his editorial board. Carbon dioxide therapy was so powerful that he claims to have cured many of heroin addiction in a matter of days.

During the course of his research Dr Albert LaVerne developed a system to administer the carbon dioxide heated. Below are some of the findings of his research on how heating the carbon dioxide is more effective than breathing it cold or even room temperature.

LaVerne’s work was not without controversy though. Even one of his biggest critics tried his carbon dioxide therapy. Here is what he experienced:

Curious to see what CDT was really like, I took two complimentary treatments from LaVerne. While the second was like some terror-ridden experiences described in the literature and by some of LaVern’s ex-patients (as I gasped for my life, LaVern droned, “Beautiful breathing, beautiful breathing”), the first treatment left me with an enormous sense of peace, as if every once of anxiety had been drained from my. Indeed it was as if I had just climbed a mountain, slain a dragon, and fallen in love. I felt I truly belonged on this earth, and for several days afterward I seemed to be a step ahead of negative patterns of thought.

Detoxification occurs rapidly and painlessly within several days and continued treatment effects a complete cure of the addiction.

Heating the carbon dioxide-oxygen mixture

(1) makes it easier to breathe,

(2) eliminates suffocation anxiety caused by unheated gases used in prior carbon dioxide therapy (CDT) treatments,

(3) eliminates treatment anxiety, the most serious and persistent side effect of CDT (unheated gas),

(4) increases the therapeutic effectiveness of the CDT. These clinical and therapeutic results are impossible to obtain with unheated gases Heated  also have been formed to have more profound and lasting effects upon the body chemistry and are much more therapeutic than unheated gases.

CDT treatment according to the present invention also has been found to be effective in other illnesses as psychiatric and neurological such as mental, emotional psychosomatic disorders, headaches, neurological, post concussion syndromes, dyslexia, minimal brain damage, and for people without specific disease and who are normal.

For example, patients suffering from colds, acute and chronic sinus infections, rhinitis, other forms of allergic upper respiratory syndrome, immune disease, asthmatic disorders, obtain immediate relief by CDT and recovery. Their reticuloendothelial and immune systems are stabilized. It seems that the basic biological system of metabolic rhythms are reset to a healthier level.

Patients appear to become rejuvenated in physiological, psychological, mental and emotional areas. Central nervous system, vascular, endocrine, stress systems (pituitary-adrental) become more efficient, and productive. The repetitive use of CDT seems to enhance total body health. It slows down catabolic processes, builds up anabolic processes of metabolism. In effect, CDT deters the aging process and encourages longevity. These observations and conclusions are based upon numerous patients treated with CDT.

Clinical experience shows that carbon dioxide therapy is non-addictive and does not dull the patient’s mental processes. Nor does it slow down the patient as do central nervous system depressants such as methadone. Clinical results also show that addicts lose their desire for heroin or methadone soon after the treatments begin and many also show renewed interest in their families. Most patients become cooperative and often look forward to future treatments.

An experimental clinical study of the effectiveness of carbon dioxide therapy has been performed with 42 patients, nine lost to follow-up studies, who stayed for 1 week of hospitalization and were then released for out-patient treatment. Of the heroin and methadone addicts, 4 months after the end of the hospitalization, 33% were narcotics free 100% of the time, 39% were narcotics free 60% of the time and 27% were narcotics free less than 60% of the time. Of eight alcoholics in the study, three were followed for 6 months and remained alcohol free.

Heroin addicts are typically detoxified in 2 to 4 days and methadone addicts in 5 to 10 days. This rapid detoxification makes carbon dioxide therapy useful in conjunction with other treatment programs such as methadone maintenance or group therapy sessions. Carbon dioxide treatments have also been found successful in curtailing the rehabilitation time needed by other programs.

Click HERE for Your BodyStream or CarboHaler!


Leave a Comment / By usamasaeed219 / September 7, 2023

Have you heard of carboxytherapy? It’s an increasingly more popular cosmetic ‘procedure’ where they inject pure carbon dioxide underneath the skin. The reasoning for why it works is that carbon dioxide increases blood flow to the surface of the body while also increasing the oxygen via the bohr effect. The bohr effect states that the oxygen loses it’s affinity for hemoglobin due to the presence of carbon dioxide allowing the nearby cells to utilize oxygen more efficiently. More oxygen utilization in turn also produces more carbon dioxide. This increases the metabolic rate of the cells and reduces pro-aging metabolic waste such as lactic acid and calcium in the cells. Additionally as a Lewis Acid, carbon dioxide reduces access electrons and increases the ratio of NAD to NADH thus producing a more youthful metabolism and appearance.

The results from simply injecting carbon dioxide underneath the skin are very powerful.  This news report calls it a beauty breakthrough.

As we age blood becomes more viscous. Also as we age and our metabolism slows, less blood flow and reaches the extremities of the body. This can be from less elasticity of the blood vessels as well as constriction of them due to a low metabolic rate. In a low metabolic rate the blow flood is restricted to be more inward for the vital organs.

The carbon dioxide therapehttps://carbogenetics.com/ref/19utic bath works very similar to carboxytherapy. The carbon dioxide therapy bath allows you to bathe in an environment of 100% co2. Carbon dioxide is easily absorbed in this type of environment through the skin. Many studies have shown the benefits bathing in pure co2 for increasing microcirculation, improving skin quality, and reducing spider veins, cellulite and varicose veins. Spraying water on your skin while in the bag increase the absorption of the carbon dioxide.

Currently our carbon dioxide bath is still at our pre-launch prices. A carbon dioxde bath is something you can do in the comfort of your own home. You can use it for however long you want and whenever you want. Carboxytherapy while extremely effective is an expensive and invasion treatment that only allows you to isolate certain areas of the body where the treatment is being done. The carbon dioxide bath is non-invasive and allows you to do the entire body up to the neck during every treatment. The bath also has greater physiological benefit to the entire body.

Click HERE for Your BodyStream or CarboHaler!


Carbogenetics comes from the word “carbogen.”

Carbogen is a combination of carbon dioxide and oxygen.

Normally, it is breathed in with a combination of 5% carbon dioxide and 95% oxygen.

While the product aim to improve tissue oxygenation, improve energy and enhance healing, there have been no studies to claim that it will likely do it for you.

Any testimonial you see on the website is that individual’s experience.

Their physiology is unique from yours, and they may have being doing other therapies in conjunction with our products.

The experiences of others are not a controlled study, so should be taken as their experience.

Additionally, any research found on the site is to show the physiology of carbon dioxide.

The studies do not represent what are products are able to do.



Administer oxygen therapy promptly and improve lung function to effectively reduce hypoxia and enhance oxygenation levels in the body.


Promote physical activity and maintain proper hydration to increase blood flow, optimising circulation for overall health.


Enhance respiratory efficiency and boost cardiovascular health to improve oxygen delivery to the cells, vital for overall well-being and vitality.


Elevate blood circulation and optimise vascular function to increase tissue perfusion.


Enhance microcirculation through  exercise and a balanced diet to improve tissue oxygenation and nutrient delivery.


Promote expedited wound healing through proper wound care and a healthy lifestyle to accelerate the body’s natural recovery processes.


Achieve firmer and softer skin by incorporating a balanced skincare routine that includes moisturizing and firming products.


Boost your metabolism through regular exercise and a well-balanced diet to support weight management and overall health.


Alleviate body pain by practising good posture, regular stretching, and targeted pain management strategies to improve overall comfort.



When you deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the cell, it is able to thrive by creating more energy to allow for greater functioning healing.

The basics of how carbon dioxide works in the body: Carbon dioxide is necessary for oxygen to be delivered to the cells and vital organs.

It not only released oxygen from the haemoglobin but also pulls oxygen into the cells, vasodilates for increased blood flow, decreases capillary resistance and improves removal of waste products.

Oxygen delivery to the cells is necessary to create ATP, which is essentially cellular energy.

With oxygen, there are 36 ATP generated from glucose.

Without oxygen, your cells are not able to generate much energy at only 2 ATP.

There have been many studies showing that carbon dioxide delivered the appropriate many can decrease hypoxia.

Hypoxia means areas where there is lack of oxygen.

Through a variety of mechanisms, CO2 lowers hypoxia and increases the use of oxygen within the cells, allowing you to energise and rejuvenate.

Why Carbogenetics

Carbogenetics is the only company specialising in creating high quality products to help improve your general health and well-being through carbon dioxide therapy.

We have many new products in the pipeline to be even more beneficial for you.

Carbogenetic Products Talked about in Podcasts

The following podcasts talk about how some people have used our products.

Anything they have done are not representative of what you will experience using the products.

They are often doing other treatment modalities in conjunction with the Carbogenetic products.

Most of what they say in how it’s working is speculation and not the result of any studies using our products.




As low as $84/mo with




As low as $39/mo with



As we age and through certain medical conditions, our capillary function withers away making it difficult to get oxygen and nutrients to the cells and vital organs.

CO2 has been shown to increase microcirculation allows your cells to
get more oxygen and generate more energy/ATP.





Carbogen – Oxygenate Your Cells And Improve Your Health Breathing

What would you do if you have a method of regaining your health back? What would you do if you could easily use the simplest method in the world to finally get started on your way to a healthier, better health, more comfortable, pain-free, life?

Would you be wary? I’d be wary but after my research into this incredible information, what’s better than simply breathing the right way that helps you regain the life you thought you lost due to pain, injury, diseases, or whatever it is?

It is claimed that this simple breathing technique can help with healing or alleviating the diseases that beset us during most of our lives.

Would you try it? Would you dare to plunk down a hunk of change to have this opportunity to breathe your way back to your former health?

No more chronic illnesses. No more injury. No more problems. Finally something that would help you become stronger and healtheir and all from just mere breathing, and mind you, not just breathing in any old way, but the right way, breathing Carbon Dioxide that helps our cells becomes the very best in their health which means the very best of health for YOU.

I know! It’s incredible and at the same time hard to believe! How is this possible? But there’s tons of research that many people spent on this and they worked hard to make it work, for you and me and everyone!

How awesome is that?! I liked that. They believed their research results in helping us breathing correctly and then here comes this research that actually steps up beyond what mere breathing exercises can do.

This machine delivers!

I really really wants to try this. But I gotta save up first, though. So I’ll save up and wait my turn. Maybe you’ll beat me to the punch and grabs this device and be on your way to climbing the highs of your athletic abilities, or recovers from a long bout of illness, or perhaps recover from a long time injury that just won’t heal. Who knows what you, the reader, could be having problems with.

Well, this device is amazing and what it says is a lot of what I had been thinking of. It delivers 7% carbon dioxide on demand, and with it, you can slowly builds back the health you desire, to be fit and strong, to heal whatever ails you, and never have health problems again.

I like that!

I myself have suffered a new injury. My elbow hurts. I don’t know exactly what happened. I was carrying the shopping bags, and as usual I carries too much. At first, me being strong and hearty, suddenly I could feel the elbow slowly becoming hot and it felt so painful. What happened? I do not know.

Yeah, you’d say go to doctor who and get it checked.

Sorry, I refused to go to doctors, since they betrayed us with their covid crimes, along with their criminal cohorts, the medical cartels, the pharmafia, the politician criminals, and their cheerleaders, the mainstream media liars. And behind them all was the billionaire elites who pushed their covid crimes on us all for the sake of their huge profits. They did not care what they did to us. They only cared about the money they gets FROM the government who stupidly handed millions and millions of dollars all for the fake vaccines they pretends is “real vaccines”. They are the true criminals, all of them. We’re still waiting for ALL of them to be arrested for their horrible crimes! Look at them today! Parading around as if they done no wrong! What the heck? If it was us common folk who did THIS, we’d be arrested so fast our heads would spins, AND on top of that, there’d be a media circus condemning US for doing it! How hypocritical of THEM!

So that’s why I refused to go to any of them. They are CRIMINALS, period.

Once our trust is broken, there is no regaining trust.


But at least, this device would puts them all out of business, fast, when MILLIONS of people uses this device to breathe their way to HEALTH!

How awesome woudl that be? It’s same with Pyro Energen II, and Colloidal Silver, and all sorts of wonderful things that always helps us be well.

Something these crooks, the Medical-Pharma-Political-MSM Establishment, would not want. These crooks wants us SICK and DEPENDENT on them, all so they can keeps taking our coins from our pockets! To hell with them!

Look at this fella, at first he was ill and it took so long to recover, but then he finally tries this device and quickly in a few weeks or so, he got well!

I know! Hard to believe and yet the evidence is clear! This device works perfectly.

I find no reason to disbelief the claims of this device and how helpful this technology can be for our health!

I would buy it in a heartbeat but for now I’ll wait.

But you shouldn’t wait. I really believed this device lives up to its claim.

It does help us regain a normal life, after suffering for so long.

Pain need not be our friend. We should give the body what it obviously needed.

There is a Nexus magazine that explains the reason why we truly needs carbon dioxide in our bodies.

“When human life first began on the planet, the composition of the atmosphere was different from what it is today, for there was more than 20% of carbon dioxide in the air that living beings breathed. But the percentage has fallen greatly, and now our air contains only 0.03% of carbon dioxide. Our bodies have had to compensate gradually for this, and they have done so by creating an internal air environment in the small air sacs inside the lungs. With the action of normal, healthy breathing, these air sacs, or alveoli, contain around 6.5% of carbon dioxide. So, as we breathe in and out normally, that 6.5% of carbon dioxide exists inside the lungs, in balance with the oxygen that we also need to stay alive.”

NEXUS: The Butekyo Method, http://www.nexusmagazine.com/articles/buteyko.html

Are you shocked? Astonished? Astounded? Stunned? Amazed? Surprised?

Yep, me too.

I was surprised by how the carbon dioxide had deteriorated in our atmosphere. Where did they all go? We barely have enough to breathe in. Very odd!

But at least this Carbohaler can help us breathe more CO2 and be well in no time!

I like that!

I’m tired of all the pills I had to take, all the special oils, the powders, that I thought would help me heal and recover my elbow.

Writing this is so hard on my arm. I rubs and rubs my arm, until the burning feel goes away, then I type some more.

The pills I mentioned, the oil, the powders, I bought them from the facebook ads I saw that I thought might help me get better… well a few does, but they’re so costly.

The machine, just using it any time I liked, and it’ll always be there when I needs it, well, that’s always a big advantage over the pills, the oil, the powders… heck, more value in a machine than a temporary pills, oil, powders, that will runs out in a few weeks. The Carbohaler would always be there, available, whenever I needs it. So awesome. Just like my Pyro Energen II! I uses it whenever I liked.

I seen this movie, A Simple Life, starring this Steve actor, and one of his friend wasn’t good, but I liked one sentence he said. “It’s always there when you needs it.” So simple. So profound. I took that for myself and ever since then, I purchased what I needed and they’re always there when I needed ’em. Simple!

If you’d like to check out and perhaps purchase the Carbohaler right now, or perhaps the special layby payment the site got available, here’s the link:


See? That’s my affiliate link, okay? I earns a bit of a commission for my trouble promoting this wonderful product, okay?

I don’t earns much. I do what I can but at times earnings can be few and far between.

I’m not gonna hide. I’m just a simple profoundly deaf man trying to get by with the limited means, okay. I’m a good saver, so I knows what I wants with my savings, and this device, Carbohaler, is a very good investment for one’s health. No doubt of it. That is exactly why I am promoting it here on my page, and on my various social media pages whenever I gets to them and posts this up.

I dreams of the day when I am well, no more pains, just bliss.

And I wonders, what it would be like, to finally feels so awesome, and sleeps all night through, no more insomnia, no more sleeping short few hours a couple times a day for years on end? That would be blliss, indeed!

And the benefits of Carbohaler, the carbon dioxide that our bodies obviously needs, on a very deep level, where the mitochondria in the cells, would needs this amazing molecules and heals and be the best health you can be!

I believe it, alright.

Click here, or up there, no worries, mate!


Thank you for reading my article, much obliged!